Sunday 12 October 2014

“Follow the Instructions”

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye” (Psalm 32:8 NKJV).

I needed a distinct logo for my Swiss Bakery and so I turned right away to our friend Desirée that designed both of our books so wonderfully. 

Unfortunately, this time her computer was out of commission and so she was not able to design something for me. My disappointment soon vanished as she didn’t leave me hanging there on my own. No, she took the time to give me clear instructions and specifications that would help me to successfully create a unique logo myself.

I received her words of instruction and applied them to my logo. I sent her my results and she gave me her comments and corrections. Although she didn’t work on the logo herself her mere words did. In the end her words and my hands created something beautiful together.

Honestly, this is no different when you follow the safe instructions of the Lord. As you heed His word in your heart and follow it without wavering, you will walk in perfect communion with Him and His purposes for your life will come to pass and affect others you come across as well. So, what is the Lord instructing you to do today?

Have a wonderfully blessed evening! 

Suzanne Tanner

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